Narin Olankijanan

Number of Plugins: 10

Overall Rating: 2.8

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Find existing tags in your new post content. If found, automatically add those tags to the post whenever you save the post.



Active installations: 60

A plugin with a simple widget to display welcome message along with the user_login of the current user.



Active installations: 80

This plugin add custom texts/HTMLs/scripts below all post contents. This plugin is so light.



Active installations: 70

Control access to registered users only of certain posts by assigning the "Subscribed" category to those posts. In additions, any texts wit …



Active installations: 30

Sometime you just want to disable any user without having to delete his account permanently. This plugin allows you to disable any user from logging i …



Active installations: 90

Automatically put the post number in front of the title of all published posts based on post date.



Active installations: 50

A plugin that allows you to post any article or news or the likes from any webpage to your blog simply by specifying the URL of that webpage from a wi …



Active installations: 60

Control the length of excerpt by the number of characters.



Active installations: 10

When assigning a sub-category to a post, wordpress treats it as a separate category with no relation to the mother category.



Active installations: 10
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