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The plugin scored great on our tests. Everything looks good!
Tests done by WP Hive test script Results
Minimal impact on memory usage The memory usage of this plugin is less than the average memory usage of other plugins on WordPress.org + 200KB. Check FAQ for more.
Minimal impact on pagespeed The impact of this plugin on PageSpeed is less than the average impact of other plugins on WordPress.org + 1000 milliseconds
No PHP errors, warning, notices WP Hive automated test found no PHP error while activating this plugin on our server
No Javascript issues WP Hive automated test found no JavaScrip error while activating this plugin on our server
Latest PHP 8.1.12 compatible WP Hive automated test found the plugin fully compatible with the latest version of PHP
Latest WordPress 6.7 compatible WP Hive automated test found the plugin fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress
Optimized database footprint The plugin creates less than 50 database tables
No activation errors WP Hive automated test found no activation error while activating this plugin on our server
No resource errors WP Hive automated test found no resource error/s while trying this plugin on our server
Frequently updated The plugin was updated at least once in the last 90 days
No problems were detected during tests.
All the plugins are tested on the same server with exactly same configuration via test script that automatically activates and logs the data WP Hive shows.
All the scripts run on a VPS with 8 CPU cores and 8 GB of RAM.
The test sites are hosted on Google Cloud VM instances, one site/plugin per instance. The machine type is n1-standard-1. The server is a 8 core CPU with 8GB of RAM.
The test sites are hosted on Apache/2 server and they are tested on PHP 8.1.12 & WordPress 6.7.
The database server is MySQL 10.6.10 and the default PHP memory limit is 512M.
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About Image Regenerate & Select Crop
The plugin allows to manage advanced settings for images, override the native medium and large crop option, register new custom image sizes. The plugin appends two custom buttons that allows you to regenerate and crop the images, provides details about the image sizes registered in the application and the status of each image sizes for images. The plugin also appends....
The plugin allows to manage advanced settings for images, override the native medium and large crop option, register new custom image sizes. The plugin appends two custom buttons that allows you to regenerate and crop the images, provides details about the image sizes registered in the application and the status of each image sizes for images. The plugin also appends a sub-menu to “Settings” that allows you to configure the plugin for global or particular post type attached images and to enable the developer mode for debug if necessary. The most recent details of the plugin features are available at https://iuliacazan.ro/image-regenerate-select-crop/.
The “Details/Options” button will open a lightbox where you can see all the image sizes registered in the application and details about the status of each image sizes for that image. If one of the image sizes has not been found, you will see more details about this and, if possible, the option to manually generate this (for example the image size width and height are compatible with the original image). For the image sizes that are of “crop” type, you will be able to re-crop in one click the image using a specific portion of the original image: left/top, center/top, right/top, left/center, center/center, right/center, left/bottom, center/bottom, right/bottom. The preview of the result is shown right away, so you can re-crop if necessary.
The “Regenerate” button allows you to regenerate in one click all the image sizes for that specific image. This is really useful when during development you registered various image sizes and the already uploaded images are “left behind”.
The plugin does not require any additional code, it hooks in the admin_post_thumbnail_html and edit_form_top filter and appends two custom buttons that will be shown in “Edit Media” page and in the “Edit Post” and “Edit Page” where there is a featured image. This works also for custom post types. Also, it can be used in different resolutions and responsive layout.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Version history
5.3.2 – Regenerate only missing files, cleanup log, fix the crop position issue when using with WooCommerce, fix the raw cleanup, fix ghost image sizes.
5.3.1 – Tested up to 5.3.2, new hook for integration with EWWW Image Optimizer plugin.
5.3 – Tested up to 5.3, override the featured image size in the meta box, fix the attachment display settings size options in the media screens, custom hooks for other plugins integration.
5.2.1 – Bypass the fallback to original metadata, fix the crop option save, small buttons when using with Gutenberg, new screenshots
5.2 – Tested up to 5.3-RC2, integration with EWWW Image Optimizer, save general setting without refresh, reset to default quality, new action hooks, show small buttons, two new cleanup options, define DOING_SIRSC, attempt to regenerate metadata and sub-sizes, attempts to fix the broken metadata, extra details in the image details lightbox.
5.0.1 – Fix notifications loaded too soon.
5.0 – Features direct access from the main menu, separate current features, new option to turn off/on the WooCommerce background thumbnails regenerate, new option to resume the regenerate process, support for the new extensions: Import/Export, Images SEO, Uploads Folder Info, Uploads Inspector.
4.8 – Tested up to 5.2.2 version, assess and capture background errors, support for future WooCommerce product gallery hook, new unavailable option, new option to disable generation of imperfect match image sizes, styles update, toggle the cleanup button, regenerate log, error and success info, simplified paths, minor speed-up of bulk processing, hide by default the info and regenerate buttons when using Gutenberg and no image set.
4.7.4 – Fix warnings for updating custom image sizes, tested up to 5.2 version.
4.7.3 – Fix missing checkbox column in the media listing screen.
4.7.2 – Added custom image sizes in the Attachment Display Settings > Size dropdown available in the native WordPress media screen.
4.7.1 – Added missing changes for scale quality.
4.7 – New custom column in media listing with the options to see details and regenerate, new option to set custom quality for images directly when regenerating from the details lightbox.
4.6.1 – Expose the native medium large hidden size, add delete option for generated images that are smaller than the expected size.
4.6 – Translation fix, added targeted delete option in the lightbox for each image size generated for an image, link the media settings in the plugin settings page.
4.5 – Tested up to 5.1.1 version, comment out the buttons action that is no longer necessary for WP >= 5.1.
4.4 – Tested up to 5.0.1 version, new settings for crop option of the native medium and large images, new options for registering custom image sizes from the UI, Gutenberg support for the featured image buttons that allows to see details and regenerate.
4.3 – Tested up to 4.9.8 version, new WP-CLI command and flags, configurable custom rules and new hook for more complex rules, links to the images from the info view, styling updates, translations
4.2.2 – Tested up to 4.9.2 version, added Imagick support and fallback for placeholders, added progress to WP-CLI commands
4.2.1 – Fix static warning, fix direct access to the wp-admin folder instead of login
4.2 – Tested up to 4.8.3 version, add the image quality option for each image size, display the quality settings and the file size in the image details overlay, preserve the selected crop position for the image size in the image details overlay, dix multisite warning on switching the blog when using the WP-CLI commands
4.1 – Tested up to 4.8 version, fix the missing button for 4.8 in the edit post screen
4.0 – Tested up to 4.6.1 version, update the image buttons to work with WP >= 4.6 new hooks parameters, changes for the image buttons backward compatibility (core versions less than 4.6)
3.3 – Tested up to 4.4.2 version, code cleanup, fix typo, fix element position in edit media screen
3.0 – Forced original resize for already uploaded images when using the regenerate option.
2.0 – Default crop configuration and WP-CLI extension.
1.0 – Prototype.
Custom Actions
If you want to display the custom buttons in your plugins, you can use the custom action with $attachmentId parameter as the image post->ID you want the button for. Usage example : do_action( ‘image_regenerate_select_crop_button’, $attachmentId );
Images Placeholders Developer Mode
This option allows you to display placeholders for front-side images called programmatically (that are not embedded in content with their src, but retrieved with the wp_get_attachment_image_src, and the other related WP native functions). If there is no placeholder set, then the default behavior would be to display the full size image instead of a missing image size.
If you activate the “force global” option, all the images on the front side that are related to posts will be replaced with the placeholders that mention the image size required. This is useful for debug, to quick identify the image sizes used for each layout.
If you activate the “only missing images” option, all the images on the front side that are related to posts and do not have the requested image size generate, will be replaced with the placeholders that mention the image size required. This is useful for showing smaller images instead of full size images.
Global Ignore
This option allows you to exclude globally from the application some of the image sizes that are registered through various plugins and themes options, but you don’t need these in your application at all (these are just stored in your folders and database but not used). By excluding these, the unnecessary image sizes will not be generated at all.
Hide Preview
This option allows you to exclude from the “Image Regenerate & Select Crop Settings” lightbox the details and options for the selected image sizes. This is useful when you want to restrict from other users the functionality of crop or resize for particular image sizes.
Force Original
This option means that the original image will be scaled to a max width or a max height specified by the image size you select. This might be useful if you do not use the original image in any of the layout at the full size, and this might save some storage space.
Leave “nothing selected” to keep the original image as what you upload.
Cleanup All
This option allows you to cleanup all the image sizes you already have in the application but you don’t use these at all. Please be careful, once you click to remove the selected image size, the action is irreversible, the images generated will be deleted from your folders and database records.
Regenerate All
This option allows you to regenerate all the image for the selected image size Please be careful, once you click to regenerate the selected image size, the action is irreversible, the images already generated will be overwritten.
Default Crop
This option allows you to set a default crop position for the images generated for particular image size. This default option will be used when you chose to regenerate an individual image or all of these and also when a new image is uploaded.
WP-CLI Usage
The available methods are “regenerate” and “cleanup”. The arguments for both methods are the site id (1 for single site install, or if you are using the plugin in multi-site environment then you should specify the site id), the post type (post, page, or one of your custom post types), image size name (thumbnail, medium, etc.).
However, if you do not know all the options you have you can simply start by running the command “sirsc regenerate 1” and for each argument that is not mentioned the plugin will present the list of available values.
If you want to regenerate the images for only one post, then the 4th argument can be passed and this should be the post ID.
So, for example, if I would want to regenerate just the thumbnails for a post with the ID = 7, my command would be
sirsc regenerate 1 post thumbnail 7
If I would want to regenerate just the medium images for a post with the id 7, my command would be
sirsc regenerate 1 post medium 7
You can regenerate all images sizes for all the pages like this:
sirsc regenerate 1 page all
Or, you can regenerate all images sizes for the page with the ID = 3 type like this:
sirsc regenerate 1 page all 3
The cleanup command works with the exactly parameters order and types as the regenerate one.
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