Aaron Harun

Number of Plugins: 7

Overall Rating: 3.7

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Write code in the WP post editor? Hate not being able to use [tab]s? Now you can.



Active installations: 1K

Add Access Keys to WordPress 3.6 Nav menus to make your website far more accessible.



Active installations: 100

Adds a shortcode to insert the post's featured image into the post's content.



Active installations: 400

This plugin adds a monthly calendar that shows all the dates you have future posts.



Active installations: 100

With this plugin you can remove sections of the dashboard, add new code, or even add Sidebar Widgets.



Active installations: 500

Do you habitually press CTRL+S when writing? Do you fear missing posts? There's help!



Active installations: 60

Add Access Keys to Category and Page navigation menus to make your website far more accessible.



Active installations: 100

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

Install Hive Logo