Aaron D. Campbell
Number of Plugins: 23
Overall Rating: 1.3
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A widget that properly handles twitter feeds, including parsing @username, #hashtags, and URLs into links.
A related posts plugin that works quickly even with thousands of posts and tags. Can be added automatically to the end of posts.
Lets you use Google Analytics to track your WordPress site statistics
Slideshow presentations made simple on WordPress. Design each slide as you would a post using wysiwyg. Works with most presenter remotes as well!
PayPal integration framework and admin interface as well as IPN listener.
This is now in WordPress core as of 4.4. Adds an archive checkbox to the nav menu meta box for Custom Post Types that support archives
Allows you to expand admin menus similar to WordPress 3.2
Empty posts/pages still get wrapped in tags, which makes them invalid. This plugin fixes that. PHP5 Required.
This will allow you to better manage how your attachments are handled. Attachments can be easily listed after posts, complete with icons.