Aaron D. Campbell

Number of Plugins: 23

Overall Rating: 1.3

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A widget that properly handles twitter feeds, including parsing @username, #hashtags, and URLs into links.



Active installations: 9K

A related posts plugin that works quickly even with thousands of posts and tags. Can be added automatically to the end of posts.



Active installations: 1K

Lets you use Google Analytics to track your WordPress site statistics



Active installations: 10K

Slideshow presentations made simple on WordPress. Design each slide as you would a post using wysiwyg. Works with most presenter remotes as well!



Active installations: 200

PayPal integration framework and admin interface as well as IPN listener.



Active installations: 800

This is now in WordPress core as of 4.4. Adds an archive checkbox to the nav menu meta box for Custom Post Types that support archives



Active installations: 20

Allows you to expand admin menus similar to WordPress 3.2



Active installations: 60

Empty posts/pages still get wrapped in tags, which makes them invalid. This plugin fixes that. PHP5 Required.



Active installations: 10

This will allow you to better manage how your attachments are handled. Attachments can be easily listed after posts, complete with icons.



Active installations: 30
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WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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