Anthony Ferguson

Number of Plugins: 7

Overall Rating: 1.4

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Limit access to the site to those with a cookie token. Visitors without the cookie see a customisable "coming soon" style of page.



Active installations: 60

Enqueue the Fancybox lightbox script, and automatically load for links to image files.



Active installations: 40

Link Hopper lets you set up tidy link redirection to other websites.



Active installations: 200

Allows you to create shortcodes which output HTML. This is useful for including forms or other blocks of custom HTML wherever you need them.



Active installations: 10

Generates a simple sitemap for your site.



Active installations: 100

Use this plugin to display your Flickr photosets on your WordPress site.



Active installations: 10

Limits access to the site to people on an allowed list of IP addresses.



Active installations: 10

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

Install Hive Logo