Adam W. Warner, Brad Vincent

Number of Plugins: 9

Overall Rating: 4.9

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Why choose FooGallery? Stunning image gallery layouts, responsive, retina-ready, lightning fast, easy to use. Gutenberg Ready!



Active installations: 100K

A responsive image lightbox for WordPress galleries, WordPress attachments & FooGallery



Active installations: 100K

FooTable's goal is simple : to make HTML tables look awesome on all devices!



Active installations: 2K

Easily select a CSS "Ready Class" for your fields within Gravity Forms



Active installations: 10K

Show an awesome looking notification bar on your website, that you can customize to match your theme.



Active installations: 3K

Bookmark your favorite posts, pages or custom post types within the WordPress admin



Active installations: 600

Displays extra columns (Alternative Text, Caption, Description, Permalink and File URL) in the media library view



Active installations: 100

Show screen info of the current admin page in a new tab within the debug bar



Active installations: 50

Display your social network profiles using catchy looking Metro tiles that wiggle to catch your visitor's attention



Active installations: 70
Footer Logo

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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