Clifton H. Griffin II
Number of Plugins: 8
Overall Rating: 3.1
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Simple, pre-written post content templates for your posts and pages. Use HTML to pre-fill new posts with the default content of your choice.
Integrating WordPress with LDAP shouldn't be difficult. Now it isn't. Simple LDAP Login provides all of the features, none of the hassles.
Arrange, re-order, and sort your categories, tags, and other taxonomy terms with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
WordPress Term Duplicator allows you to copy or duplicate WordPress categories, tags, or taxonomy terms.
The best and easiest way to add reviews to your e-commerce products in WordPress.
Allows users of Shopp 1.3.x to filter the shipping options available to customers by the category cart items belong to.
Disables all RSS feeds.
Displays recent posts from a specified category in a customizable box on the home page of the blog.