Scott Reilly

Number of Plugins: 71

Overall Rating: 3.4

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Records which user trashed a post and when they trashed it. Displays that info as columns in admin trashed posts listings.



Active installations: 60

Shortcode and functions to query your Google Calendar for the number of days since or until the most recent event matching your search criteria.



Active installations: 10

Easily create a link to another post using a shortcode to reference the post by id or slug; the link text is the post's title, unless overridden.



Active installations: 100

Records the IP address of the original post author when a post first gets created.



Active installations: 200

Facilitates injecting an array of posts into a WP query object as if queried. Particularly useful to allow use of standard template tags.



Active installations: 10

Highlights the comments and plugins icons in the collapsed admin sidebar menu when notifications are pending.



Active installations: 10

Like the_category(), list categories assigned to a post, but excluding assigned categories that have a child category also assigned to the post.



Active installations: 10

Control the number of posts per page, pages per page, and comments per page that appear in the admin listings of posts, pages, and comments.



Active installations: 60

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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