Donncha O Caoimh
Number of Plugins: 11
Overall Rating: 2.8
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Map any blog/site on a WordPressMU or WordPress 3.X network to an external domain.
Search the files and database of your WordPress install for signs that may indicate that it has fallen victim to malicious hackers.
Sets a cookie on a random URL that is then checked when a comment is posted. If the cookie is missing the comment is marked as spam.
This WordPress MU/WordPress 3.0 multisite plugin gives blog Administrators and Editors the ability to post whatever HTML they want.
A central area where all the posts on a WordPress MU or WordPress MS site can be collected.
Test a theme on your blog without showing your visitors
A widget which will display your latest Flickr photos.
Adds the referrering link from which a commenting user came from to comment notifications.
A plugin that makes it easy to log code activity to a file.