Fidgety Lizard

Number of Plugins: 7

Overall Rating: 4.3

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Enables the Visual Editor for bbPress posts, in paste-as-text mode by default. Optionally enables extended Visual Editor buttons.



Active installations: 500

Clears initial suggested password on WP 4.3+ password reset page, and adds a Generate Password button. Fixes new-password save bug (Firefox/Chrome).



Active installations: 400

Changes the tickbox default to NOT send an email to a new user when adding them to a WordPress or WordPress Multisite website.



Active installations: 100

Add-on for Restricted Site Access plugin. Displays site's current restriction status in the admin bar.



Active installations: 90

Clears the initial suggested password on the WP 4.3+ password reset page. This is a simplified version of our free Clarify Password Reset plugin.



Active installations: 200

Fixes unwanted HTML entities in bbPress notification email subject lines and message bodies.



Active installations: 50

Removes duplicate root breadcrumb in bbPress forum breadcrumbs.



Active installations: 50

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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