Benjamin Guy
Number of Plugins: 6
Overall Rating: 2.8
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In any online website, hackers and unscrupulous users will try and attack your website. Whether it is trying to attack your website by brute forcing …
This plugin allows you to display menu items based on if a user is logged in, logged out or based on the role you have given the user.
This plugin allows you to show posts on the dashboard based on a POST STATUS. This can be the default post status from wordpress such as:
Want to style your Admin login pages for your clients in their corporate colors? Sick of the default wordpress wp-admin login page? Then this plugin …
This plugin allows you to display widget items based on if a user is logged in, logged out or based on the role you have given the user.
This plugin registers the RactiveJS Framework library as part of Wordpress. This means that Ractive scripts can be included in your plugins by just e …