Number of Plugins: 11
Overall Rating: 2.2
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You can get WooCommerce Order Information in Mautic.
Active installations: 200
This is simple plugin that clear all cloudfront cache if you publish posts.
Active installations: 3K
This is simple plugin disable NewRelic for AMP endpoint.
Active installations: 20
Set Structured Data of "JSON-LD" to your WebSite.
Active installations: 50
Fix CloudFront Preview Plugin
Active installations: 30
Control AMIMOTO helper plugins
Active installations: 1K
Simple extension to subscribe Contact Form 7's information to Mautic Form.
Active installations: 1K
There is plugin switching the viewport of PC view and Mobile view.
Active installations: 60
Simple Shortcode Plugin to get WordPress data from WP REST API(Version2)
Active installations: 10