Jaap Jansma
Number of Plugins: 5
Overall Rating: 0.8
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Contact form 7 CIVICRM integration.
Active installations: 200
This plugin integrates Caldera Forms with CiviCRM's form processor. Funded by CiviCooP, Civiservice.de, Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V.
Active installations: 100
Provides an API connector to a local or remote CiviCRM installation. This connector could be used by other plugins. Funded by Artfulrobot, CiviCoop, c …
Active installations: 200
Provides a CiviCRM api data source for wpDataTable plugin. You can use this plugin with Connector to CiviCRM with CiviMcRestFace plugin which gives yo …
Active installations: 20
Provides an integration between CiviCRM api and the leaflet map. Meaning you can create maps from CiviCRM Data. You can use this plugin with Connector …
Active installations: 20