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Uploads your wordpress attachements to S3 with an option CloudFront distribution
Select files CSS/JS and/or write CSS/JS rules to any single page or post or globally
Add the description from menu items when the item is display
Allow Categories is a plugin that allows you to permission different user to view only specific categories within your wordpress blog.
Add support for Live Composer Headers and Footers to themes that only have Widget support
Makes your wordpress blog private unless the user is logged in, optionally setting a minium user level. Modified from http://wordpress.
Extends the layered popup plugin with the ability to show a page as popup, as well as show as a welcome mat
3rd Party Authentication is a wordpress plugin that allows wordpress to authenticate against other authentication systems.
Automatically creates links to http://biblegateway.com from references in wordpress posts. It will use which every version of the bible you last queri …