Jake Snyder

Number of Plugins: 9

Overall Rating: 2.2

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Allows you to use Gravity Forms to update any post on the front end.



Active installations: 700

A very simple SEO interface without caricatures and cruft. New improved social support.



Active installations: 200

Simple way to automatically generate XML Sitemaps when a page or post is saved. Very simple, no cruft or extra features you won't use.



Active installations: 90

Creates a log in page at /login/ and manages password recovery and user notification feedback for the log in process.



Active installations: 80

Add extra functionality to default search box using jQuery.



Active installations: 100

WP sIFR makes any font possible in your Wordpress installation in under five minutes.



Active installations: 100

A centralized, application notification center for front end users.



Active installations: 20

A very basic framework for deleting posts on the front end. Uses a nonce for security and checks capabilities to what a user has access to.



Active installations: 10

A very simple SEO interface to update Twitter and Facebook meta tags.



Active installations: 10
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WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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