Number of Plugins: 10
Overall Rating: 2.8
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Block cookies and unwanted external content by setting Content Security Policy. A modal will be shown on the front end to let the visitor choose what …
Spotify Play Button can easily be added to post or page for instant play of album, playlist or song. Oh, and it has an admin page in WordPress too.
Lists categories, author pages and archives with thumbnails.
Custom playlist from youtube with thumbnails, loads youtube clips without reloading your page. Example: [myyoutubeplaylist WnY59mDJ1gg, bKwQ_zeRwEs]
Finally get rid of that pesty fullscreen mode that you need to toggle every time you use a new device or clear your browser offline website data.
Show your latest Instagram images in a widget. Images are linked to Copygram, directly to the image file or to Instagram.
Adds a warning at the top of each page visible to users that are still using Internet Explorer 6.
Finally get rid of that welcome message that's showing up even if you've been using Gutenberg for years!