Justin Sternberg

Number of Plugins: 16

Overall Rating: 3.8

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Set a post format or post type for your IFTTT-created posts via a post format or post type category.



Active installations: 100

A central area where all the posts on a WordPress MS network can be collected.



Active installations: 10

Shortcode for linking Bible references to a BibleGateway page.



Active installations: 100

Contributors: jtsternberg, underblob Plugin Name: Enhanced Admin Bar with Codex Search and Custom Menus Plugin URI: http://dsgnwrks.



Active installations: 2K

Plugin project for refreshing WordPress core's widget interface. http://make.wordpress.org/ui/tag/widgets/



Active installations: 10

Display a list of post counts for all your sites in a network.



Active installations: 10

Allows disabling Reftagger on a per-page/post basis.



Active installations: 10

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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