Keith Drakard

Number of Plugins: 7

Overall Rating: 2

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Add extra columns to the Users screen - number of comments and all post types, registration & login dates and IP addresses.



Active installations: 70

Makes any previous/next post links use the same taxonomy as the current post.



Active installations: 30

Alter any taxonomy's meta box appearance to single or multiple select dropdowns, or toggle button style checkboxes.



Active installations: 10

Adds a honeypot form field on the registration and login pages to trap spammers.



Active installations: 10

A widget to make tag clouds out of multiple taxonomies, across multiple post types and control their appearance.



Active installations: 50

Allow users to change the font used across your site to one that is meant to help people with reading difficulties.



Active installations: 30

Alter the Users screen in the admin, re-ordering the columns and turning individual columns on or off.



Active installations: 10

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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