Kostas Vrouvas
Number of Plugins: 6
Overall Rating: 4.2
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Enable SSL with 1 click! Add an SSL certificate & WP Force SSL to redirect site from HTTP to HTTPS.
Active installations: 100K
That, or His Dudeness… Duder… or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Active installations: 20
This plugin adds all WordPress pages from the admin sidebar under the "site-name" menu on the front-end.
Active installations: 50
A small plugin to add featured images in the "All Posts" page.
Active installations: 200
Get the classic "Get shortlink" from WordPress 3.7. Developed to make it easier for people at Mentor to get shorlinks and open sourcing it.
Active installations: 100
A -very- small plugin to see which template and files are included are used to display the current page. Heavily inspired by the guys at MagicPress.
Active installations: 10