Lever Technology LLC

Number of Plugins: 9

Overall Rating: 4.8

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Embed PDFs straight into your posts and pages, with intelligent resizing of width and height. No third-party services or iframes required.



Active installations: 300K

Lets you embed PDF, MS Office, and many other file types in a web page using the free Google Docs Viewer (no Flash or PDF browser plug-ins required).



Active installations: 30K

Simple secure login and user management for Wordpress through your G Suite / Google Apps domain (uses secure OAuth2, and MFA if enabled)



Active installations: 10K

Browse for Google Drive documents and embed directly in your posts/pages. Extends Google Apps Login plugin so no extra user auth required.



Active installations: 7K

Shortcodes allowing you to display GET parameters from the current URL in pages and posts, or show/hide content depending on GET param values



Active installations: 1K

Instantly turn your WordPress installation into a private corporate intranet



Active installations: 5K

Keep your customers honest when selecting options for variable pricing products in Easy Digital Downloads



Active installations: 30

Basic Ecommerce tracking for Easy Digital Downloads using Google Universal Analytics



Active installations: 100

Search your G Suite (Google Apps) domain for employee info from a widget



Active installations: 100

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

Install Hive Logo