Tony Hayes
Number of Plugins: 6
Overall Rating: 1.2
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Gutenberg Free Options for your WordPressed Burger err I mean Editor
Active installations: 300
Give an instant boost to your Layout and Call-to-Action options. Auto-add Sidebars to your Post Content Display, inside and out!
Active installations: 10
Search your current plugin/theme/core files for keywords from admin. A 3rd party plugin bugfixers dream.
Active installations: 10
Auto-saves on steroids! QuickSave Timed Backup of your Post Content while writing. Compare and Restore QuickSave backups metabox.
Active installations: 10
Fixes the Internet! Self-healing nanobots for your website! ...or at least, automatically reloads broken images and other page resources.
Active installations: 10
AdminSanity brings sanity through sanitization to your WordPress Admin Area. Cleanly.
Active installations: 10