Mark Jaquith

Number of Plugins: 28

Overall Rating: 3.3

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Allows you to compose content in Markdown on a per-item basis. The markdown version is stored separately, so you can deactivate this plugin any time.



Active installations: 100

Helps you craft amazing post URL slugs, for that hand-crafted URL feel.



Active installations: 10

Allows authors to hide portions of the WordPress interface that you seldom use. Each author's preferences are stored separately and can be edited in the author's <a href="profile.php#clutter-free-options">profile</a>. Requires WP 2.0.5 or above.



Active installations: 100

Allows you to change your post slugs without breaking your permalinks.



Active installations: 70

Displays the categories conversationally, like: <em>Category1, Category2 and Category3</em>



Active installations: 30

Enables a "Comment Inbox" that gives you the power of a moderation queue without having to manually approve every comment.



Active installations: 10

Inserts a link into the comments form that will clear a user's comment info cookie



Active installations: 10

Lets you set a "hover_title" custom value that will be the text shown in the "title" element of page links when using the <code>wp_list_pages()</code> function.



Active installations: 10

Notifies people when their comment is moderated or caught as spam, so they aren't left wondering.



Active installations: 10
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