Number of Plugins: 6

Overall Rating: 3.8

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Pics Mash creates "Facemash" like hot or not image rating contests on your WordPress website.



Active installations: 20

WP lastupdated lets you easily add a shortcode or widget to you site which tells your visitors when the last time your site was updated.



Active installations: 200

The Epic Bootstrap Buttons WordPress plugin allows you to add bootstrap buttons to any theme and use the awesome buttons easily.



Active installations: 40

The plugin can help you understand what, out of two options, your website users prefer. This is a good way to implement A/B testing



Active installations: 10

Risk List brings Risk Management into your WordPress Dashboard. Manage your risks. Track your Metrics. Grow big.



Active installations: 10

Combine the power of Give WP and Zero BS CRM (Automatically track donors and donations in Zero BS CRM).



Active installations: 10

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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