Marco Milesi

Number of Plugins: 14

Overall Rating: 4.4

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Powerful solution to manage and show your WordPress media in posts and pages



Active installations: 4K

Soluzione completa per la gestione della sezione "Amministrazione Trasparente" nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (D.lgs. 33/2013)



Active installations: 1K

The only plugin you'll ever need to build bots for Telegram and channel broadcast. Zapier compatible.



Active installations: 1K

Software per la gestione dei Bandi di Gara e generazione automatica del dataset XML per ANAC (ex AVCP -Legge 190/2012 Art 1.32).



Active installations: 1K

Give users their personal space with WP Cloud, the most advanced plugin to turn WordPress into a cloud platform!



Active installations: 400

Redirect your posts to an external link by adding the url into a new metabox. Simply and efficient!



Active installations: 3K

SPID - Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale



Active installations: 300

Refresh your WordPress dashboard with this new elegant, metro-based one.



Active installations: 70

Software per la pubblicazione di concessioni (sovvenzioni, contributi, sussidi e vantaggi economici) e incarichi, anche in formato open data, come ric …



Active installations: 300
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WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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