Chirag Gadara (Mindstien Technologies)

Number of Plugins: 9

Overall Rating: 4.4

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Geo Target your wordpress site with geo data from ipinfodb or geoplugin like visitor's city, country...



Active installations: 20

Redirects to 'Add new post' page after 'save draft' or 'publish post' for faster adding mulitple posts.



Active installations: 400

Secures your wp site from hackers by hiding username of members from front side.



Active installations: 100

Display Recent Posts From Each/Selected Category. Category Box View Plugin.



Active installations: 100

Display Fancy CSS Message Box in Page/Post via short code



Active installations: 100

Finds invalid youtube videos (deleted or removed from youtube) embeded in your site.



Active installations: 10

Forget Username/Password, Remember just one code for all of your wp sites.



Active installations: 10

Adds extra and individual menus for all available post/page statuses like drafts, pending, trash including count of number of posts in each status.



Active installations: 40

An E-commerce sales mobile webapp to show live sales data on your iPhone/iPod/Android device. Works with WP e-commerce now, more will be added soon.



Active installations: 10
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WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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