Chris Taylor
Number of Plugins: 17
Overall Rating: 2.1
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Check email allows you to test if your WordPress installation is sending emails correctly by sending a test email to an address of your choice.
Demo Data Creator is a Wordpress and BuddyPress plugin that allows a Wordpress developer to create demo users, blogs, posts, comments and more.
VoucherPress is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to give downloadable, printable vouchers/coupons in PDF format away on your site.
Easily query and browse tables in your database, and download in XML, JSON, CSV, SQL and HTML format
Secure Invites is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to only allow invited people to sign up.
Create a child theme really easily from any installed theme.
Personal Welcome is a Wordpress plugin that allows site administrators to create and send personalised welcome messages to new users.
For Wordpress plugin developers: keep a register of when and where your plugins are activated.
PerformerJS allows you to add really cool effects and features to your website by doing some simple editing of the HTML code in your pages.