Sergey Biryukov
Number of Plugins: 24
Overall Rating: 2.4
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Converts Cyrillic characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters.
Active installations: 200K
Restores the ability to upload non-image files in WordPress 4.7.1 and 4.7.2.
Active installations: 20K
Allows to find all posts where a particular attachment is used.
Active installations: 1K
Converts Cyrillic characters in post slugs to Latin characters.
Active installations: 90K
Allows users to register with Cyrillic usernames.
Active installations: 800
Turns on comments on pages in WordPress 4.3+ by default.
Active installations: 100
Adds parent comment ID meta box to a comment editing page.
Active installations: 50
Converts gettext binary message catalogs to an array of strings.
Active installations: 200
Changes plugins display order in the admin, showing active plugins first.
Active installations: 90