Number of Plugins: 9
Overall Rating: 3.6
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After activating your groups will have ability to create any custom fields they want. Also extra page will appear with chosen content.
Plugin will create lots of users, messages, friends connections, groups, topics, activity items, profile data - useful for testing purpose.
After moving your mouse pointer on user/group avatar (or clicking) you will see a bubble with the defined by admin information about it.
Plugin will display on your Friends page a new tab called Online with a list of currently online friends.
Adds sortable Registered column to the list of users in wp-admin area
Display BuddyPress last active date for a user on wp-admin/users.php page
Provide all widgets with BuddyPress specific fields (conditional display logic)
Plugin will transform wrong months' cases (in date) to proper ones (according Russian grammar rules).
Let admin do some more stuff with users - adding them to any group manually from members list