Tunghsiao Liu
Number of Plugins: 10
Overall Rating: 4.4
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Relative URL applies wp_make_link_relative function to links to convert them to relative URLs.
Disable TinyMCE Visual Editor (WYSIWYG editor) totally completely permanently forever
Quotmarks Replacer disables wptexturize function that keeps all quotation marks and suspension points in half-width form.
Magically add an extra space between Chinese characters and English letters / numbers / common punctuation marks
Displays a user badge next to the comment author name based on author's role.
Adds Sina Weibo Like button on your site. A must-have plugin if your site visitors are mainly from China.
Rename media filename during upload with unique hash.
Corner Bracket Lover converts all curly quotation marks (“” and ‘’) in your posts to traditional corner brackets (「」 and 『』).
Adds readability.com widget on your site.