Viktor Szépe
Number of Plugins: 10
Overall Rating: 2.7
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Customize your site's robots.txt and include remote content to it
Active installations: 2K
Replaces wp_hash_password and wp_check_password with PHP 5.5's password_hash and password_verify.
Active installations: 3K
Turn Query String Parameters into file revision numbers.
Active installations: 10
Make admin pages solarized, ease your eyes.
Active installations: 10
Make plugin installation faster.
Active installations: 20
Install any plugin's trunk version from SVN.
Active installations: 10
Hide firewall related UI elements, relocate datastore path and more.
Active installations: 70
Use an origin pull CDN with very few lines of code.
Active installations: 10
SMTP settings for WordPress and error logging.
Active installations: 30