Number of Plugins: 23
Overall Rating: 4.2
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Frontend Dashboard is bundled with huge list of custom features which can easily customise the User profile, Posts, Login, Register, Custom roles on c …
Random Banner WordPress plugin provides users with high level of flexibility to show image banners, SWF banners and script ads randomly
Display post by drop-down or list by category or categories using Widgets.
Through this plugin, user can able to combine the repeated tags under the single group tag name
Through this plugin, user can able to select the post difficulty level in admin dash board post area for each post.
Frontend Dashboard Template will have customised layouts with logo, varieties colors for layouts, extendable by widget and layouts.
Simple way to import or generate user name, password, email id and many more for wordpress using this plugin
Are you frustrated by using CAPTCHAS in comments? We provide you a good and simple solution to combat bot spam and human spam without captcha or calcu …
Frontend Dashboard Extra WordPress plugin is a supportive plugin for Frontend Dashboard with supportive additional features likes extra Calendar for s …