Purab Kharat

Number of Plugins: 7

Overall Rating: 0.7

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The Alexa Rank Widget easily allows to add widget in wordpress sidebar.



Active installations: 800

Boost your wordpress SEO: Full SEO features Meta Tags, webmaster tools settings, Social AuthorShip for Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus and XML sitem …



Active installations: 300

Using this plugin you can delete the default hello world post and comment.



Active installations: 20

Provide sidebar widgets that can be used to display Selective Tags from a set of tags which is selected by admin in the sidebar.



Active installations: 20

Short Syntax Highlighter allows you to easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without losing it's formatting or making any manual chang …



Active installations: 10

The yahoo Buzz button easily allows your blog to be shared.



Active installations: 10

The Google Buzz button easily allows your blog to be shared.



Active installations: 10
Footer Logo

WP Hive extension for Chrome is now available

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