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The plugin scored great on our tests. Everything looks good!
Tests done by WP Hive test script Results
Minimal impact on memory usage The memory usage of this plugin is less than the average memory usage of other plugins on WordPress.org + 200KB. Check FAQ for more.
Minimal impact on pagespeed The impact of this plugin on PageSpeed is less than the average impact of other plugins on WordPress.org + 1000 milliseconds
No PHP errors, warning, notices WP Hive automated test found no PHP error while activating this plugin on our server
No Javascript issues WP Hive automated test found no JavaScrip error while activating this plugin on our server
Latest PHP 7.4.8 compatible WP Hive automated test found the plugin fully compatible with the latest version of PHP
Latest WordPress 6.0.2 compatible WP Hive automated test found the plugin fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress
Optimized database footprint The plugin creates less than 50 database tables
No activation errors WP Hive automated test found no activation error while activating this plugin on our server
No resource errors WP Hive automated test found no resource error/s while trying this plugin on our server
Frequently updated The plugin was updated at least once in the last 90 days
No problems were detected during tests.
All the plugins are tested on the same server with exactly same configuration via test script that automatically activates and logs the data WP Hive shows.
All the scripts run on a VPS with 8 CPU cores and 8 GB of RAM.
The test sites are hosted on Google Cloud VM instances, one site/plugin per instance. The machine type is n1-standard-1. The server is a 8 core CPU with 8GB of RAM.
The test sites are hosted on Apache/2 server and they are tested on PHP 7.4.8 & WordPress 6.0.2.
The database server is MySQL 8.0.21 and the default PHP memory limit is 256M.
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About Advanced Custom Fields: Extended
? All-in-one enhancement suite that improves WordPress & Advanced Custom Fields. This plugin aims to provide a powerful administration framework with a wide range of improvements & optimizations. ⭐ Highlight New Field Groups Locations 14+ New ACF Fields 10+ ACF Fields Enhanced Bidirectional Fields Advanced Fields Validation Flexible Content as Page Builder ACF Forms Manager ACF Options Pages / Block....
? All-in-one enhancement suite that improves WordPress & Advanced Custom Fields. This plugin aims to provide a powerful administration framework with a wide range of improvements & optimizations.
⭐ Highlight
New Field Groups Locations
14+ New ACF Fields
10+ ACF Fields Enhanced
Bidirectional Fields
Advanced Fields Validation
Flexible Content as Page Builder
ACF Forms Manager
ACF Options Pages / Block Types Manager
ACF & WordPress Meta Overview
WordPress Post Types / Taxonomies Manager
WordPress Options Manager
WordPress Admin Enhancements
… And many more features
? Philosophy
100% free
Seemless integration
No extra menu, ads or notices
Built by developers, for developers
?️ Links
Join the ACF Slack community
Check the ACF Extended Trello board
Visit our website ACF-Extended.com (WIP)
Have a question? Check the FAQ
Found a bug? Submit a ticket
A feature request? Submit an idea
Want to fork me? GitHub repository
Enjoying this plugin? Submit a review
Want to keep me awake? Buy me a coffee
Want to follow me? Here is my Twitter
? Flexible Content Showcase
? Requirements
This plugin requires at least ACF Pro 5.7.10
If you don’t already own ACF Pro, you should consider it. It’s one of the most powerful WordPress plugin, with a life-time licence for unlimited websites.
?️ Features
ACF: Field Groups Settings
Auto Sync PHP
Automatically synchronize field groups with local PHP files upon field group updates. This feature will create, include and update a local PHP file for each field group (just like the native Json sync feature).
Default folder: /wp-content/themes/my-theme/acfe-php/
Auto Sync Json
Control which field groups you want to synchronize with local Json files. Display warnings if the Json file has been manually deleted. Manually synchronize Json from field group screen.
Spice up your field groups with a custom taxonomy and filter field groups by terms.
Add permission layer to field groups. Choose which roles can view & edit field groups in the post edition screen.
Alternative Title
Display an alternative field group title in post edition screen.
Add a personal note in the field group administration. Only visible to administrators
Custom meta data
Add custom metas (key/value) in the field group administration. Data can be retrieved using acf_get_field_group()
View raw data
Display raw field group data in a modal to check your configuration & settings
Custom key
Set custom field group key. ie: group_custom_name
Advanced settings
Enable advanced fields settings & validation based on screen (administration/front-end). See fields advanced settings/validation
New field group instructions placement: Tooltip
Display instructions in a tooltip which is displayed when hovering an information icon
New field group location: All post types
Display field group on all post types edition screen
New field group location: Post type List
Display field group on post types admin list screen. Fields are saved in the option: {post_type}_options
New field group location: Taxonomy List
Display field group on taxonomies admin list screen. Fields are saved in the option: tax_{taxonomy}_options
New field group location: Post type Archive
Display field group on the post type archive (option page). The post type argument acfe_admin_archive must be set to true. This feature is also available in the Dynamic Post Type UI. Fields are saved in the option: {post_type}_archive
ACF: Field Groups List
Column: Category
Display and filter field groups categories
Column: Locations
Quick view of field groups locations informations using icons & popover
Column: Load
Quick view of field groups data load source (DB, PHP or Json)
Column: Sync PHP / Json
Quick view of field groups synchronization status with warnings
Row action: Export PHP / Json
One-click export for each field groups
Row action: Field group key
Quick view of field groups keys
ACF: Field Groups – Third Party
Third Party
Display local field groups thats are loaded by ACF, but not available in the ACF field group administration. Example: a field group is registered locally in the functions.php file, but not in ACF
Export local field groups into PHP or Json
Sync local field groups back to the database and edit their fields just like any other field group
ACF: Fields Settings
Bidirectional fields
An advanced bidirectional setting (also called post-to-post) is available for the following fields: Relationship, Post object, User & Taxonomy terms.
Fields will work bidirectionally and automatically update each others. Works in groups & clones (prefixed field names must be turned off).
Usage example is available in the FAQ
Advanced settings
A more sophisticated field settings based on specified location (administration/front-end). Example: Field is required only in front-end. The field group “Advanced settings” must be turned ON.
Advanced validation
A more sophisticated validation conditions (AND/OR) with custom error messages based on specified location (administration/front-end). The field group “Advanced settings” must be turned ON.
Add permission layer to fields. Choose which roles can view & edit fields in the post edition screen. (can be combinated with field groups permissions)
View raw data
Display raw field data in a modal to check your configuration & settings
ACF: Fields
Field Clone: Edit in modal
Allow users to edit clone fields in a modal
Field File: Uploader type
Choose the uploader type: Basic or native WP uploader
Field Group: Edit in modal
Allow users to edit group fields in a modal
Field Image: Use as Featured Thumbnail
Choose if an image field should be considered as post featured thumbnail
Field Image: Uploader type
Choose the uploader type: Basic or native WP uploader
Field Post Object: Allow custom values
Allow user to enter custom value which will be saved as a new post
Field Repeater: Stylised button
Add style to ‘Add Row’ button
Field Repeater: Disable Sortable
Disable sortable rows using filter('acfe/repeater/lock/name=my_repeater', true, $field)
Field Repeater: Remove Actions
Remove the actions buttons using filter('acfe/repeater/remove_actions/name=my_repeater', true, $field)
Field Select: Placeholder
Change the default “Select” placeholder text
Field Textarea: Code mode
Switch font family to monospace and allow tab indent
ACF: New Fields
New Field: Advanced Link
Display a modern Link Selection in a modal. Post selection can be filtered via post types & taxonomies terms. Add custom fields using filter('acfe/fields/advanced_link/fields', $fields, $field, $link)
New Field: Button
Display a custom submit or button. Built-in ajax call on click. Example available in the field administration
New Field: Code Editor
Edit code using the native WP Core Codemirror library
New Field: Columns
Re-arrange fields administration using columns
New Field: Dynamic form
Select any dynamic form (format: checkbox, radio or select). See ACF: Dynamic Forms section
New Field: Dynamic message
Display custom HTML/PHP content using acf/render_field/name=my_field. Example is available in the field administration
New Field: Google reCaptcha
Display a reCaptcha field (compatible v2 & v3)
New Field: Hidden input
Display a hidden input with custom name/value
New Field: Post status selection
Select any post status (format: checkbox, radio or select)
New Field: Post type selection
Select any post type (format: checkbox, radio or select)
New Field: Slug
A slug text input (ie: my-text-input)
New Field: Taxonomy selection
Select any taxonomy (format: checkbox, radio or select)
New Field: Taxonomy Terms selection
Select any terms of any taxonomies, allow specific terms, level or childs (format: checkbox or select). Terms can be loaded & saved for the current post (just like the native ACF Taxonomy field)
New Field: User roles selection
Select any user role (format: checkbox, radio or select)
WordPress: Dynamic Post Types
Create and manage post types from your WordPress administration (Tools > Post Types). All WordPress post types arguments can be set and managed. But also:
Manage Posts per page, order by and order for the post type archive
Manage Posts per page, order by and order for the post type administration screen
Set custom single template (ie: my-single.php) instead of the native single-{post_type}.php
Set custom archive template (ie: my-archive.php) instead of the native archive-{post_type}.php
Manual PHP/Json Import & Export is available in the ACF > Tools page
WordPress: Dynamic Taxonomies
Create and manage taxonomies from your WordPress administration (Tools > Taxonomies). All WordPress taxonomies arguments can be set and managed. But also:
Manage Posts per page, order by and order for the taxonomy term archive
Manage Posts per page, order by and order for the taxonomy administration screen
Set custom taxonomy template (ie: my-taxonomy.php) instead of the native taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php
Manual PHP/Json Import & Export is available in the ACF > Tools page
WordPress: Ajax Author Box
The native WP Author Metabox has been replaced with a dynamic version allowing to manage thousands of users without slowing down the post administration.
WordPress: Taxonomy List & Edit
Taxonomies list & edit views have been enhanced for a more consistent administration experience, using CSS/JS only. Views are now similar to post type edition screens.
WordPress: Options
Manage WordPress options from Settings > Options.
View, add, edit and delete options
Working with strings, serialized & Json values
ACF: Settings
ACF: Settings page
Display all ACF settings in one page.
ACF Extended: Settings page
Display all ACF Extended settings in one page.
ACF: Dev Mode
Display all custom Post Meta & Terms Meta in a readable format
Arrays & json are converted to print_r()
ACF fields meta are grouped together
ACF field groups related to fields are displayed when available
Dev mode also enable SCRIPT_DEBUG
Activate using acf_update_setting('acfe/dev', true) or define('ACFE_dev', true)
ACF: Options Pages
Manage ACF Options Pages from ACF > Options.
View, add, edit and delete options pages
All arguments are available
Manual PHP/Json Import & Export is available in the ACF > Tools page
ACF: Block Types (Gutenberg)
Manage ACF Block Types from ACF > Block Types.
View, add, edit and delete Block Types
All arguments are available
Manual PHP/Json Import & Export is available in the ACF > Tools page
Requires ACF Pro 5.8
ACF: Flexible Content Enhancement
Controls: Inline Layout Title Edition
Controls: Copy, Paste & Duplicate Layouts on the fly
Controls: Copy & Paste all layouts on the fly
Stylised Button: Add style to ‘Add Row’ button
Hide Empty Message: Hide the native Flexible Content ‘Empty’ message
Empty Message: Change the native Flexible Content ‘Click the Add Row button below…’ message
Layouts Thumbnails: Add thumbnails for each layout in the layout selection
Layouts Render: Add template.php, style.css & script.js files settings for each layout. Those settings can be then accessed in the front-end (More informations in the FAQ)
Layouts Dynamic Preview: Edit & Preview Layouts on-the-fly from your WordPress administration, just like in Gutenberg (Layouts Render must be turned ON)
Modal Edition: Edit layouts in a modal
Modal Selection: Change the layout selection into a modal
Modal Selection Title: Change the layout modal title
Modal Selection Columns: Change the layout modal columns grid. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 columns available
Modal Selection Categories: Add category for each layout in the layout modal
Layouts State: Force layouts to be collapsed or opened by default
Layouts Collapse: Remove collapse action
Button Label: Supports Dashicons icons elments
One Click: the ‘Add row’ button will add a layout without the selection modal if there is only one layout available in the flexible content
Lock Flexible Content: Disable sortable layouts using filter('acfe/flexible/lock/name=my_flexible', true, $field)
Remove Actions Buttons: Remove the action buttons using filter('acfe/flexible/remove_actions/name=my_flexible', true, $field)
ACF: Dynamic Forms
Manage ACF Forms from your WordPress administration. All ACF Form settings are available. But also:
Render multiple field groups in one single form with custom HTML between them
Apply custom CSS class to all fields & wrappers
Apply custom CSS class to fields errors
Group errors above the form, display them above fields, below fields or hide them
Hide form on successful submission
Map fields and change their settings based on the location (front-end/back-end)
Add multiple actions on form submission:
Create or Update Posts
Create or Update Terms
Create or Update Users
Send multiple e-mails
Trigger custom PHP actions
Integration, validation & custom submission examples in the administration
Display forms using acfe_form('my_form_name') or acfe_form(188) helpers
Display forms using shortcodes [acfe_form name="my_form_name"] or [acfe_form ID="188"]
The function acf_form_head() is not needed anymore
Manual Import & Export is available in the ACF > Tools page
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