Want to skyrocket the popularity of your plugin and reach millions of eager users? Look no further than WP Hive. Gain credibility through in-depth reviews, drive conversions with targeted email marketing, and boost visibility with strategic social promotion and exposure
The plugin scored great on our tests. Everything looks good!
Tests done by WP Hive test script Results
Minimal impact on memory usage The memory usage of this plugin is less than the average memory usage of other plugins on WordPress.org + 200KB. Check FAQ for more.
Minimal impact on pagespeed The impact of this plugin on PageSpeed is less than the average impact of other plugins on WordPress.org + 1000 milliseconds
No PHP errors, warning, notices WP Hive automated test found no PHP error while activating this plugin on our server
No Javascript issues WP Hive automated test found no JavaScrip error while activating this plugin on our server
Latest PHP 8.1.12 compatible WP Hive automated test found the plugin fully compatible with the latest version of PHP
Latest WordPress 6.7.1 compatible WP Hive automated test found the plugin fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress
Optimized database footprint The plugin creates less than 50 database tables
No activation errors WP Hive automated test found no activation error while activating this plugin on our server
No resource errors WP Hive automated test found no resource error/s while trying this plugin on our server
Frequently updated The plugin was updated at least once in the last 90 days
No problems were detected during tests.
All the plugins are tested on the same server with exactly same configuration via test script that automatically activates and logs the data WP Hive shows.
All the scripts run on a VPS with 8 CPU cores and 8 GB of RAM.
The test sites are hosted on Google Cloud VM instances, one site/plugin per instance. The machine type is n1-standard-1. The server is a 8 core CPU with 8GB of RAM.
The test sites are hosted on Apache/2 server and they are tested on PHP 8.1.12 & WordPress 6.7.1.
The database server is MySQL 10.6.10 and the default PHP memory limit is 512M.
WP Staging for WordPress Migration & Cloning This duplicator plugin allows you to create an exact copy of your entire website for staging or development purposes in seconds. (Exact time depends on the size of your website) It creates a clone of your website into a subfolder of your main WordPress installation including an entire copy of your database. Note:....
WP Staging for WordPress Migration & Cloning
This duplicator plugin allows you to create an exact copy of your entire website for staging or development purposes in seconds.
(Exact time depends on the size of your website)
It creates a clone of your website into a subfolder of your main WordPress installation including an entire copy of your database.
Note: For pushing & migrating plugins and theme files to live site, check out the pro edition https://wp-staging.com/
All the time-consumptive database and file copying operations are done in the background. The plugin even automatically does an entire search & replace of all serialized links and paths.
This plugin works even on the smallest shared hosting servers.
WP Staging can help you to protect your website from being broken or unavailable because of installing untested plugin updates!
Note: WordPress 5.x has been shipped with a new visual editor called Gutenberg. Use WP Staging to check if Gutenberg editor is working as intended on your website and that all used plugins are compatible with that new editor.
Main Features
No SASS service. All data belongs to you and stays on your server.
Easy to use! Just install it and click on “CREATE NEW STAGING SITE”.
No server timeouts on huge websites or/and small hosting servers
Staging website will be available from example.com/staging-site
Very fast – Migration process takes only a few seconds or minutes, depending on the website’s size and server I/O power.
Only administrators can access the staging website. Login with the same credentials you use on your production site.
SEO friendly: The staging website is unavailable to search engines due to a custom login prompt and no-index header.
The admin bar on the staging website will be orange colored and shows clearly that you work on the staging site.
All database tables will be duplicated and get a new prefix beginning with wpstg(int)_.
As default the staging website will be copied into a subfolder.
Extensive logging features
Supports all main web servers including Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS
[Premium]: Choose a separate database and select a custom directory for cloning
[Premium]: Make the staging website available from a subdomain like dev.example.com
[Premium]: Push & migrate plugins and themes to production website.
[Premium]: Define user roles that should receive access to the staging site only. For instance, clients or external developers.
[Premium]: Migration and cloning of WordPress multisites
Note: Some features are Premium. Which means you need WP Staging Pro to use those features. You can get WP Staging Premium here!
New: Compatible with WordFence & All In One WP Security & Firewall
Additional Features WP Staging Pro Edition
Cloning and migration of WordPress multisites
Define a separate database and a custom directory for cloning
Clone your website into a subdomain
Specify certain user roles for accessing the staging site
Copy all modifications from staging site to the production website
Change your workflow of updating themes and plugins data:
Use WP Staging to clone a production website for staging, testing or backup purposes
Create a backup of your website
Customize theme, configuration, update or install new plugins
Test everything on your staging site
If everything works on the staging site start the migration and copy all modifications to your production site!
Why should I use a staging website?
Plugin updates and theme customizations should be tested on a staging platform first before they are done on your production website.
It’s recommended having the staging platform on the same server where the production website is located to use the same hardware and software environment for your test website and to catch all possible errors during testing.
Before you update a plugin or going to install a new one, it is highly recommended to check out the modifications on a clone of your production website.
This makes sure that any modifications work on your production website without throwing unexpected errors or preventing your site from loading. Better known as the “WordPress blank page error”.
Testing a plugin update before installing it in a live environment isn´t done very often by most users because existing staging solutions are too complex and need a lot of time to create a
an up-to-date copy of your website.
Some users are also afraid of installing plugins updates because they follow the rule “never touch a running system” with having in mind that untested updates are increasing the risk of breaking their site.
This is one of the main reasons why WordPress installations are often outdated, not updated at all and insecure because of this non-update behavior.
It’s time to change this, so use “WP Staging” for cloning and migration of WordPress websites
Can´t I just use my local wordpress development system like xampp / lampp for testing purposes?
You can test your website locally but if your local hardware and software environment is not a 100% exact clone of your production server there is NO guarantee that every aspect of your local copy is working on your production website exactly as you expect it.
There are some obvious things like differences in the config of PHP and the server you are running but even such non-obvious settings like the amount of ram or the CPU performance which can lead to unexpected results later on your production website.
There are dozens of other possible cause of failure which can not be handled well when you are testing your changes on a local platform only.
This is were WP Staging jumps in… Site cloning and staging site creation simplified!
I just want to migrate the database from one installation to another
If you want to migrate your local database to an already existing production site you can use a tool like WP Migrate DB.
WP Staging is only for creating a staging site with latest data from your production site. So it goes the opposite way of WP Migrate DB.
Both tools are excellent cooperating each other.
What are the benefits compared to a plugin like Duplicator?
At first, I really the Duplicator plugin. It is a great tool for migrating from a development site to production one or from production site to development one.
The downside is that Duplicator needs adjustments, manually interventions and requirements for this. Duplicator also needs some skills to be able to create a development/staging site, where WP Staging does not need more than a click from you.
However, Duplicator is best placed to be a tool for first-time creation of your production site. This is something where it is very handy and powerful.
So, if you have created a local or web-hosted development site and you need to migrate this site the first time to your production domain than you are doing nothing wrong with using
the Duplicator plugin! If you need all your latest production data like posts, updated plugins, theme data and styles in a testing environment than I recommend to use WP Staging instead!
I need your feedback
This plugin has been done in hundreds of hours to work on even the smallest shared web hosting package but I am limited in testing this only on a handful of the different server so I need your help:
Please open a support request and describe your problem exactly. In wp-content/wp-staging/logs you find extended logfiles. Have a look at them and let me know the error-thrown lines.
Permalinks are disabled on the staging site because the staging site is cloned into a subfolder and permalinks are not working on all systems
without doing changes to the .htaccess (Apache server) or nginx.conf (Nginx Server).
Read here how to activate permalinks on the staging site.
How to install and setup?
Install it via the admin dashboard and to ‘Plugins’, click ‘Add New’ and search the plugins for ‘Staging’. Install the plugin with ‘Install Now’.
After installation, go to the settings page ‘Staging’ and do your adjustments there.
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