WP Testimonials with rotator widget plugin is very helpfull to add interesting testimonials of your client’s. Testimonials are a significant part of your website design. WP testimonial with rotator widget enables you to add and display multiple testimonials on your website along with posting the author info, images, pictures, jobs, URL, position, etc. Make your customer recommendations, your ladder to....
WP Testimonials with rotator widget plugin is very helpfull to add interesting testimonials of your client’s.
Testimonials are a significant part of your website design. WP testimonial with rotator widget enables you to add and display multiple testimonials on your website along with posting the author info, images, pictures, jobs, URL, position, etc. Make your customer recommendations, your ladder to success with this WP plugin.
Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
This testimonial plugin contain two shortcode
[sp_testimonials] and [sp_testimonials_slider]
Where you can display testimonial in list view, in grid view and slider testimonial with responsive.
Check Demo and Features for additional information.
Please make sure that Permalink link should not be “/testimonial” Otherwise all your Testimonials will go to archive page. You can give it other name like “/testimonials, /our-testimonial, /what-our-say etc”
This plugin creates a testimonial and a testimonial rotator/testimonial slider custom post type, complete with WordPress admin fields for adding testimonials. It includes a Widget and Shortcode to display the testimonials.
Here is the Testimonial shortcode example
If you want to display Testimonial by category then use this short code
[sp_testimonials category="category_ID"]
If you want to display Testimonial using slider then use this short code
[sp_testimonials_slider limit="2" slides_column="2" slides_scroll="2" dots="false" arrows="false" autoplay="true" autoplay_interval="100" speed="5000" ]
Shortcode Examples
1. Simple list/Grid view
[sp_testimonials] OR [sp_testimonials per_row="2"]
2. Slider (per row one/per row two)
[sp_testimonials_slider] OR [sp_testimonials_slider slides_column="2"]
Use Following Testimonial parameters with shortcode
- limit:
[sp_testimonials limit=”5″] ( ie Display 5 testimonials on your website )
- design:
[sp_testimonials design=”design-1″] ( ie Select the design for testimonial. Values are design-1, design-2, design-3, design-4 )
- Grid:
[sp_testimonials per_row=”2″]( ie Display your testimonials by Grid view )
- orderby:
[sp_testimonials orderby=”title”] ( ie Order your testimonials by “title” OR “post_date” OR “none” OR “name” OR “rand” OR “ID” )
- order:
[sp_testimonials order=”ASC”] ( ie Order your testimonials by “ASC” OR “DESC” )
- Display by category
[sp_testimonials category=”category_ID”] ( ie Display testimonials by their category ID )
- Display client:
[sp_testimonials display_client=”false”] ( Display Client name OR: You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Display job title:
[sp_testimonials display_job=”false”] ( Display Client job title : You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Display company name:
[sp_testimonials display_company=”false”] ( Display Client company name : You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Display avatar:
[sp_testimonials display_avatar=”false”] ( Display Client avatar : You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Avatar size and style:
[sp_testimonials size=”150″ image_style=”square”] (Set size of Client avatar and style – square, circle )
- Display Quotes:
[sp_testimonials display_quotes=”false”] ( Display Quotes: You can use “true” OR “false”)
Use Following Testimonial Slider parameters with shortcode
- Slide columns for testimonial rotator:
[sp_testimonials_slider slides_column=”2″] (Display no of columns in testimonial rotator )
- design:
[sp_testimonials_slider design=”design-1″] ( ie Select the design for testimonial. Values are design-1, design-2, design-3, design-4 )
- Number of testimonial slides at a time:
[sp_testimonials_slider slides_scroll=”2″] (Controls number of testimonial rotate at a time)
- Pagination and arrows:
[sp_testimonials_slider dots=”false” arrows=”false”]
- Autoplay and Autoplay Interval:
[sp_testimonials_slider autoplay=”true” autoplay_interval=”100″]
- Testimonials Slide Speed:
[sp_testimonials_slider speed=”3000″]
- limit:
[sp_testimonials_slider limit=”5″] ( ie Display 5 testimonials on your website )
- orderby:
[sp_testimonials_slider orderby=”title”] (ie Order your testimonials by “title” OR “post_date” OR “none” OR “name” OR “rand” OR “ID” )
- order:
[sp_testimonials_slider order=”ASC”] ( ie Order your testimonials by “ASC” OR “DESC” )
- id:
[sp_testimonials_slider id=”testimonail_id”] ( ie Display testimonials by their ID )
- Display by category
[sp_testimonials_slider category=”category_ID”] ( ie Display testimonials by their category ID )
- Display client:
[sp_testimonials_slider display_client=”false”] ( Display Client name OR: You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Display job title:
[sp_testimonials_slider display_job=”false”] ( Display Client job title : You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Display company name:
[sp_testimonials_slider display_company=”false”] ( Display Client company name : You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Display avatar:
[sp_testimonials_slider display_avatar=”false”] ( Display Client avatar : You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Avatar size and style:
[sp_testimonials_slider size=”150″ image_style=”square”] (Set size of Client avatar and style – square, circle )
- Display Quotes:
[sp_testimonials_slider display_quotes=”false”] ( Display Quotes: You can use “true” OR “false”)
- Adaptive Height:
[sp_testimonials_slider adaptive_height=”false”] ( Allow slider to use Adaptive Height )
Here is Template code
Available fields :
- Title
- Testimonials Content
- Job Title
- Company
- Website URL
- Picture
New Features include:
- Added 4 New Designs.
- Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
- Display Testimonial categories wise.
- Display Testimonial on home page with limit
[sp_testimonials limit="1" ]
- Adding a Random Testimonial to Your Page.
- Responsive.
- Display testimonials using an easy testimonial widget.
- Add Client image.
Pro Features include:
Premium Version
- Added 15 New Designs.
- Testimonial front-end form.
- Star rating added.
- Gutenberg Block Support.
- Template overriding feature support.
- Visual Composer/WPBakery Page Builder Supports.
- Display testimonials using 15 testimonial widget designs.
- Display Testimonial categories wise.
View PRO DEMO for additional information.
Why Use Testimonials?
- The web has made it easier for consumers to get recommendations not only from friends, but to see secure, verified Testimonial from people all over the world.
- Testimonials help potential customers get to know that you are a credible business.
- Testimonials, when used effectively, are a great tool to increase conversions rates on your website!
Privacy & Policy
- We have also opt-in e-mail selection , once you download the plugin , so that we can inform you and nurture you about products and its features.
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