Scott Reilly

Number of Plugins: 71

Overall Rating: 3.4

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Disable the built-in front-end search capabilities of WordPress.



Active installations: 40K

Restrict the usernames that new users may use when registering for your site.



Active installations: 800

A widget that can act as a duplicate of another widget (for synchronized use in another sidebar)



Active installations: 2K

Template tags (for use in single.php) to create post navigation loop (previous to first post is last post; next/after last post is first post).



Active installations: 1K

Prevent specified posts from being featured on the front page or in feeds, and from notifying external services of publication.



Active installations: 1K

Prevent WordPress from displaying single and double quotation marks as their curly alternatives.



Active installations: 1K

Automatically turns plaintext URLs and email addresses into links.



Active installations: 9K

Prevent broken shortcodes from appearing in posts and pages.



Active installations: 1K

Conveniently close or open comments for a post or page with one click from the admin listing of posts.



Active installations: 10K
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